Polynomial Approximation Schemes for Smoothed And Random Instances of Multidimensional Packing Problems
The 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2007).
The multidimensional bin packing and vector bin packing problems are
known to not have asymptotic polynomial-time approximation schemes
(unless $\mbox{P} = \mbox{NP}$). Nevertheless, we show that:
- Any smoothed (randomly perturbed) instance, and any instance from a class of other
distributions, does have a polynomial-time probable approximation scheme.
Namely, for any fixed $\epsilon > 0$, we exhibit a linear-time algorithm that
finds a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate packing
with probability $1 - 2^{-\Omega(n)}$ over the space of random inputs.
- There exists an oblivious algorithm that does not
know from which distribution inputs come,
and still asymptotically does almost as well
as the previous algorithms. The oblivious algorithm outputs almost
surely a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation for every $\epsilon > 0$.
- For vector bin packing, for each considered class of
random instances, there exists an algorithm that in expected
linear time computes a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation,
for any fixed $\epsilon > 0$.
To achieve these results we develop a multidimensional
version of the one-dimensional rounding technique introduced
by Fernadez de la Vega and Lueker. Our results generalize
Karp, Luby and Marchetti-Spaccamela's results on approximatibility
of random instances of multidimensional bin packing
to a much wider class of distributions.
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